Selasa, 14 Agustus 2007

Tuesday Links: The Chowhound Troika

Chowhound: Restaurant Warning Signs – Ten Ways You Know it’s Gonna be Bad
This list describes every Chinatown eatery I’ve ever been to, but beyond that delicious district, there are some pretty good points. The discussion is stellar, too.

Chowhound: Leftovers – the Career Killer. Does bringing your lunch hurt your chances for success?
CONTROVERSY! Apparently, you never know when status-seekers are secretly evaluating your homemade spaghetti.

Chowhound: let’s share a cooking “trick”
If you can get beyond the awesomely unnecessary quotation marks, this is a neat kitchen tip comp from the Chowhound message board gang.

Lifehacker: How to Have a More Efficient Kitchen
Efficienciness is next to Godlininiess. Or at least, that's what I've heard. Be sure to scroll down for more time/effort/cash saving steps.

The Simple Dollar: Visiting Williams-Sonoma – How to Avoid Overspending on Something That Fuels Your Passions
If Adam and Eve were tempted by Williams-Sonoma instead of that apple, the snake would have gotten to them much sooner.

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