A) The article is a massive, research-heavy behemoth, guaranteed to shake the Earth to its very core and,
B) We got our year-end Christmas gift from my company yesterday! Turns out, they’re severely reducing or completely eliminating all our benefits. It’s making me and several thousand other workers Ho Ho Homicidal.
While I ponder the highs (pretty picket signs) and lows (live burial in Giants Stadium end zone) of becoming a labor leader, please accept this humble edition of CHG’s Favorites of the Week, which would normally appear on Thursday.
Blog of the Week
A Penny Closer
Well-written and fun, A Penny Closer waxes philosophical on all kinds of financial matters, including food. Best of all is the Reducipes series, which reads like a dollar-saving mini-cookbook.
Organization of the Week
Any Solider
A friend of mine wanted to send a care package overseas for Christmas, but didn’t have a specific name. Enter Any Soldier, where members of the military write in and request supplies, food, and ways to pass the time. Go! Now! (Read the instructions carefully, though.)
Quote of the Week
“They take great pride in making their dinner cost much; I take my pride in making my dinner cost so little.” - Henry David Thoreau
Standup Routine of the Week
Jim Gaffigan on Hot Pockets
Indiana comedian Gaffigan dissects those compartments of evil in a most hilarious manner. I don’t know if the best part is his repeated chiming of the slogan or “I’m gonna die!”
Tip of the Week
Freeze chicken broth/stock in the following amounts: two cups, one cup, half-cup, and ice cube-size. It’ll make it way, way easier to use the measurement a recipe calls for, and you won’t have as much left over. (Don’t forget to label!)
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Chicken Marsala with Crimini Mushrooms, Pancetta, and Sage by Well Fed
Oh, frabjous day! Will you look at this thing? Good god, I want it RIGHT NOW, and it’s not quite 11am.
Video of the Week (Food Division)
“She Don’t Use Jelly” by The Flaming Lips
This is the first radio hit from Oklahoma City’s favorite sons, which tells the epic story of … I have no idea. And neither did anybody else at the time. It’s almost hard to believe these are the same guys.
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