Home Ec 101
Worth a visit for the graphics alone, Ivy and Heather's cooking/cleaning/snarking blog is a neato source for not only the domestically challenged, but their pearl-necklace-and-apron-sporting older sisters, as well. Far out!
Book of the Week (That I Can’t Stop Blathering About)
A Cook’s Tour by Anthony Bourdain
Sweet, sweet readers – I know I’ve gone on ad nauseum about this travelogue the last few weeks, but I swear on all that’s good and true, it’s totally worth it. Please, do yourself a favor and check it out of the library RIGHT NOW. Bourdain writes circles around every person who’s ever picked up a pen, living or dead (except maybe Philip Roth), and this particular novel will make you want to head to Cambodia and eat cobra hearts immediately.
Comedy of the Week
“Hey Food” by Cookie Monster and the Sesame Street Beetles
From the creators of “Letter B” comes this pro-comestible performance by a few mop-top muppets (moppets?) and the estimable Mr. Monster. Speaking of, did anyone else, when they were little, think he was actually eating those cookies? I did, and couldn’t understand how he did it without a tongue. Mysterious!
Organization of the Week
Idol Gives Back
Ain’t nothing like a star-studded quasi-telethon to get America’s hearts in a giving mood. This year’s Simon-sponsored extravaganza will benefit Children’s Defense Fund, The Children’s Health Fund, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, Make it Right, Malaria No More, and Save the Children. Check out this page for a phone number, address, and donation link.
Quote of the Week
“If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.” - Conan O'Brien
Tip of the Week
To save storage bags when freezing smaller cuts of meat, place the first piece in the bag and squeeze out the air. Then, fold the remaining part of the bag over, insert the second piece, and seal. If it’s kept folded during the freezing process, there should be a partition of air between the two meats.
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Michael Anthony’s Fork-Crushed Purple Majesty Potatoes at Smitten Kitchen
Oh my my, aren’t these just the prettiest things you ever done seen? I do declare, they’re purpler than Prince himself. And they probably taste better, too. (Addendum: the Michael Anthony in question is Michael Anthony the chef, not Michael Anthony the bassist from Van Halen.)
Video of the Week
“Pour Some Sugar on Me” – Def Leppard
Ahhhhh, the anthems of my tween years. Who amongst us hasn’t jammed out to this at their 8th grade Halloween Dance? (Um … younger readers, don’t answer that.)
(Special extra bonus joke:
Q: What has nine arms and sucks?
A: Def Leppard)
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