Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Okay, so it’s not about food. That is, unless you consider Harrison Ford, who is a tasty morsel at … 65? HARRISON FORD IS 65? Oh man. Take care of yourself, Han.
Blog of the Week
John Scalsi’s Whatever: Being Poor
JD posted this yesterday, but it’s important and moving enough to post again. Please pass it on, and don’t miss the comment section.
Organization of the Week
Association for India’s Development
“The Association for India's Development (AID) is a volunteer movement committed to promoting sustainable, equitable and just development. In solidarity with non-violent people's struggles, AID supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources, health, women's empowerment and social justice. Founded in 1991, AID has 36 chapters in the United States, approximately 1,000 volunteer, has supported 365 projects, and has 100 ongoing projects.” – Charity Navigator description
Quote of the Week
“I gotta work out. I keep saying it all the time. I keep saying I gotta start working out. It's been about two months since I've worked out. And I just don't have the time. Which, uh … is odd. Because I have the time to go out to dinner. And, uh … and watch TV. And get a bone density test. And, uh ... try to figure out what my phone number spells in words.” – Ellen DeGeneres

This is less of a tip than a VERY IMPORTANT WARNING: always, ALWAYS wear gloves when mincing hot peppers. Today marks the one-year anniversary of Capsaicin Day, a.k.a The Time I Chopped Three Jalapenos, Three Poblanos, and Three Anaheims with My Bare Hands and Wanted Tear My Skin Off for the Next 18 Hours. If you’ve ever done this before, you know you should NEVER, EVER do this. It produces a less-than-pleasing chemical burn sensation that no salve, medicine, or frozen yogurt bath can fully conquer. I missed a day of work, and felt like a consummate dummy afterward. So please, wear gloves. (And for pete’s sake, don’t rub your eyes. And especially don't go to the bathroom.)
Untried Recipe of the Week
Roasted Garlic at The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Sure, roasted garlic is pretty basic, but PW’s pics makes it look like a work of art. Commence drooling.
Video of the Week
“Choux Pastry Heart” by Corinne Bailey Rae
This isn’t the official video (since there isn’t one), but rather a collection of Corinne footage comped by an anonymous You Tuber to back the song. As those kinds of things go, it isn’t bad. AND it means you can listen to “Choux Pastry Heart” anytime you like. Which you should. A lot. Because it’s pretty.
(Photos courtesy of alreadyseen.com and Flickr member le monde est beau.)
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