Mark Bittman layeth the smacketh downeth on the Deceptively Delicious/Sneaky Chef shenanigans. At last glance, the comments were up to 88. Not that people are passionate about this or anything.
Clever Dude: An Illustrated Frugal Lunch
Have you ever wanted to see 25 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all at once? Lined up? IN A ROW? Clever Dude has ‘em, along with plans for a month of lunches.
Culinate: Discovering Winter’s Greens
Wherein the Fab Four of February (endive, frisee, escarole, and watercress) get their long-awaited due.
Culinate: Michael Pollan has Tips for You
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” It’s author Michael Pollan’s mantra, and here he has eight more glorious nutrition tips.

Thank goodness someone has a system for this, because every time I try to hack through one of these things, images of Monty Python’s limbless Black Knight limp through my head. (“Your arm’s off.” “No it isn’t.”) Thanks to Slashfood for the link.
Festival of Frugality #113: Mighty Bargain Hunter
MBH goes with a U.S. mint theme for this week’s FoF, and CHG receives the George Washington designation. That means I chop down cherry trees and have wooden teeth. Also, there’s that Father of the Country thing. Neat.
Like Merchant Ships: 1950’s Budget Menu
A.k.a. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Tip Roast but Were Afraid to Ask. Meredith purchased 1957’s Meal Management cookbook from Goodwill, and it’s inspired her to try a full seven days of Eisenhower-era meals. Really neat experiment, and I’m dying to read her thoughts toward the end of the week.
Make it From Scratch Festival #52: This Wasn’t in the Plan
MifS is a year old today! Happy birthday, you gorgeous festival, you. And thanks to Stephanie for keeping it up and running.
Mommy Gets Paid: More Bang for your Coupon Buck
Great, extensive post on squeezing the most from your stash.

Serious Eats: Breakfast for a Crowd – Any Ideas?
These threads are so handy. Head on over and have your say, or just collect ideas about feeding a small battalion.
The Simple Dollar: Using SuperCook to Save on Your Grocery Bill
Trent explains it best: "Just start entering ingredients in the upper left and it will start listing recipes on the right. Every time you add another ingredient, it finds recipes using only those ingredients and only a minimum of additional items.” There are other sites like it, but this appears to be the winner so far.
The Simple Dollar: Review of In Defense of Food
It’s all Michael Pollan, all the time this week, as the release of his new book means the health guru is making the press rounds. Word is, if In Defense of Food is half as good as The Omnivore’s Dilemma, he's got himself another winner.
Slashfood: Great Food Fast – Cookbook of the Day
I gaze lovingly at this cookbook nearly every time I peruse the Union Square Borders. Has anyone out there tried it? Is it really as simple and mouth-watering as the pictures look? Do tell.
Wise Bread: How I Grocery Shop
The WB’s Catherine Shaffer continues Lynnae and Kacie’s Describe Your Shopping Methods challenge.
(Photos courtesy of markbittman.com, scene-stealers.com, and Flickr member Fynbos Ridge.)
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