101 Cookbooks
Along with Chocolate & Zucchini and Orangette, Heidi’s journey through her own culinary library is probably one of the three best-regarded foodie blogs on the ‘net. Naturally, the pics are beautiful, but the recipe archive goes back to 2003, making it one of the most extensive comps around. So nice.
Comedy of the Week
Cabbage Head from Kids in the Hall
Oh, sweet Canadian comedy, how I love thee. Bruce McCulloch’s repellant recurring character is part of what made KITH so great: he’s odd, but still slightly alluring. Just like Mark McKinney in that dress. Hawt.

The Girl Scouts
I was a member of GSoA from age eight through my senior year of high school, and I loved every single second of it. Girls Scouts exposed me to cultures, people, and experiences I never would have met or seen otherwise. 12 years later, I’m still friends with half the women in my troop, many of whom have kids of their own. There might be brownies or juniors combing your ‘hood slinging Samoas right about now, and while they’re not exactly the healthiest foods in the world, the money goes to one of the best organizations on the planet. Indulge.
Quote of the Week
“I don’t return fruit. Fruit’s a gamble. I know that going in.” – Jerry Seinfeld
Tip of the Week
Keep a black Sharpie in the kitchen for quick labeling of freezer bags and plastic containers. It’s neat! It’s convenient! (And you can doodle on the refrigerator.)
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Chicken with Shallot Apricot Sauce at The Kitchn
Oh boy, I can not WAIT to try this. Doesn’t the purpleness of the shallot just complement the chicken so well? Who took this picture? Must … learn … from them.
Video of the Week
The Runaways – “Cherry Bomb”
Watch and rejoice as a gang of early ‘80s teen punk chicks absolutely rawk the sawks off their male counterparts. Featuring a very young Joan Jett, who looks almost exactly the same like, 30 years later. I covet her genes/jeans.
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