The Culinary Review
If you can get beyond the clutter, there's an abundance of valuable food information here, from pricing breakdowns to chopping techniques to a thesis on Glogg. A good basic resource when you just need to know something, fast.
Comedy of the Week
“Food Court Musical” by Improv Everywhere
Charlie Todd and Co. strike again! This time, it’s a full-on musical number in the middle of a crowded shopping mall. I’m so happy these guys exist, and am doubly happy they keep doing things related to food. Thanks to Serious Eats for the link.
Magazine of the Week
Cook’s Country
At first, one may believe a Cook’s Country referral is merely part of my never-ending quest to kiss up to Cook’s Illustrated (it’s parent publication) as much as possible. (One may be right.) HOWEVER, completely independent of CI, Cook’s Country is a great magazine on its own. The design rawks, and the dishes are a nice combination of the down-home and the upscale. And while it’s not exactly nutritionally-minded, there are usually enough healthy recipes to justify a gander/purchase. Check it out next time you pass through at Barnes & Noble. You’ll be impressed.
Organization of the Week
Share Our Strength’s Great American Bakesale
You may have seen Duff the Ace of Cakes dude promote this on a few Food Network PSAs. In GAB’s own words, it’s “a national campaign that mobilizes Americans to end childhood hunger by holding bake sales in their communities.” So, not only do you get to help your poverty-stricken countrymen, but you get bake in the process. Sweet. It seems like a really good opportunity to get kids involved with volunteering, too.

"I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on Pretzel Day? Well, I like Pretzel Day." – Stanley Hudson (Leslie David Baker), The Office
Untried Cheap, Healthy Recipe of the Week
Broccoli Drizzled with Indian-Spiced Yogurt by Jamie Oliver at The Star
You know what’s really cool about this recipe? I have all the ingredients on hand, and have had them in various dishes dozens of times. But put together, I have no idea – none – what they’ll taste like. It’s like a rock supergroup, but made of broccoli. Exciting!
Tip of the Week
This week’s tip comes from Consumerist commenter Canadian Imposter, and it’s been slightly altered for clarity: “A lot of people use a neat trick to make sure they're not getting ripped off in a restaurant. Tip so that the number of cents in the post-tip total is equal to the number of dollars in the pre-tip total. For instance, if you had a $123 bill, you would tip X dollars and 6 cents, because 1+2+3=6. Then you can just do a quick check on all of your restaurant transactions when your credit card statement arrives. And if something doesn't add up you can look in to it.”
Video of the Week
“Crumbs From Your Table” by U2
U2 questions that may never be answered:
1) How does Larry Mullen Jr. still look 26?
2) Do you think his kids call him “The Edge” instead of “Dad”?
3) Will there ever be anything sexier than this?
Special bonus: Postcards from the Edge, my favorite McSweeney’s piece of all time.
(Photos courtesy of Flickr member ObakeTenshi and Yahoo TV.)
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